Anna Daneshvar

Digital Strategist at Mersenne in Stockholm
“The programme is well-structured, singularly intense and exceptionally rewarding. I highly recommend attending.”

When I joined the IDEA League Challenge Programme, I thought I knew what to expect. A challenge, right? But the unprecedented nature of that challenge, bringing me across Europe to figure out something essential about myself, about my career and about my future – you can’t plan for that, you can only rise to the challenge and evolve.

If you were to ask me about my all-time, top-10 IDEA League experiences, I’d have to start with Como, Italy, where TU Delft organised a course with Politecnico di Milano. The plan: 40% personal development, 25% conflict management, 25% pitch training. The remaining ten per cent? Saying good morning to that beautiful azure lake. Dark espresso and deep conversations with fellow students about our future goals, some far away, some more short term, i.e. pizza or antipasti tonight?

Every journey stands out, each for its own reasons. At ETH Zürich, we got to focus on Switzerland’s energy policy, traveling by bus through the mountainous canton of Schwyz on our way to Siebnen. We were taken on a tour of the local nuclear power plant and the hydro power plant – both really peaked my interest. It was an exceptional opportunity to discuss the most vital questions of energy we face today, right where the important innovations occur.

“My experiences during the programme were highlighted by the diversity of students I met, broadening my perspective in terms of business collaboration and working with international stakeholders.”

The challenge programme is an experience that continuously helps you develop your concept of your personal career. That brings me to Sweden, where I live and work today. At Chalmers University, my alma mater, we attended a workshop by Volvo Car Group. The goal was to write a proposal for Volvo’s future achievements, how to attract customers while expanding business opportunities. It was a chance to learn about leadership by imagining the future of such a profoundly influential organisation.

My experiences during the programme were highlighted by the diversity of students I met, broadening my perspective in terms of business collaboration and working with international stakeholders. I will carry these people and the ideas we shared with me throughout my career.

It is difficult to know what aspect of the IDEA League Challenge Programme will influence you most. I’m tempted to say all of it – of course. In truth, I think it’s setting out on that European adventure that opens you up to learning in a unique and unprecedented way. The programme is well-structured, singularly intense and exceptionally rewarding. I highly recommend attending.