Chalmers University
of Technology
Fellowship Chalmers University of Technology
This call is currently open.
The IDEA league combines the strength of five of Europe’s leading technical universities to provide unique opportunities to connect, collaborate, contribute, and inspire technological innovation to tackle global challenges. The five universities have agreed on a fellowship program to strengthen scientific exchange, long-term collaboration, and the use of specific research infrastructure. Each IDEA-League university conducts the fellowship calls autonomously and sets its own priorities.
The IDEA League Fellowship Programme has the following objectives:
- To contribute to strengthening the collaboration between partner universities through starting or further developing research and collaboration efforts
- To contribute to knowledge exchange and capacity building within the partner universities through sharing research infrastructures
- To facilitate innovative inter-disciplinary cooperation and communication to tackle societal challenges
The fellowship may be used to start or further develop a project (proposal), research or manuscript, in collaboration with fellow scientists of the partner institutes. IDEA League fellows are encouraged to build synergies with(in) the institutes, their departments and the universities at large.
General Conditions of this call
At Chalmers, travel grants are available through the Areas of Advance to facilitate research visits to the other IDEA League universities and thereby strengthen research collaboration.
The grant is mainly intended for faculty members. However, Principal Investigators (PI) may also apply on behalf of their postdocs and PhD students. Applicants must ensure that an agreement with the host institution is in place before applying for this funding.
The funding may be used to cover travel expenses, insurance, accommodation costs and fees for use of the host institutions’ research infrastructure. The funding is intended to cover increased expenses but not subsistence allowance during the sabbatical leave. Funding cannot be used for conferences.
Faculty members, but not doctoral students or postdocs, can apply for funding. However, the applicant may choose to bring doctoral students or postdocs for (part of) the research visit.
Applicants are encouraged visit multiple IDEA League universities during the fellowship.
Send the application (1-3 pages) to the director, co-director and coordinator of the relevant Area of Advance. Applications can be submitted continuously but the visit must be completed and all expenses must be paid by December 31, the year of the visit.
The application should include
· Name and home department of the applicant PI as well as those of the outgoing researchers
· A letter of motivation, including a description of the research activities planned for the visit
· A letter of support from the host institution
· Start and end dates for the visit
· Budget
All applications will be assessed by the management group of the Area of Advance. Please note that the conditions for the travel grant might differ in the various Areas of Advance. For more information please contact the relevant Director.
Download the Chalmers University of Technology Call for the IDEA League Fellowship Programme here
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