Organise a PHD Course
Want to pass on your knowledge to the next generation of researchers?
IDEA League’s PHD courses are unique programmes jointly designed and conducted by our partner universities. Combined inter-university groups of second- and third-year PhD candidates attend each partner university to follow multiple complementary modules over a single academic year.
The PHD courses combine the search for solutions to global challenges with innovative doctoral training. They offer a unique opportunity for outstanding PhD students to enrich their research and build networks with researchers from the other IDEA League partner universities.
Most recent PHD courses

PHD Course 2025
Advanced Atomic Scale Characterisation
Knowledge on the atomic scale structure, processes and properties of advanced materials are a prerequisite for improving their properties and their behaviour in technological applications in a broad range of disciplines. Atomic scale characterisation makes it possible to shorten development cycles, improve the lifetime and enable new technological innovations. Furthermore, knowledge on structural behaviour and atomic scale mechanisms provides important input for modelling and simulation, in particular in the framework of the recent concepts on ‘integrated computational materials engineering’ (ICME).
The corresponding institutes and laboratories at the five IDEA League Universities belong to the internationally leading institutions in this field. Their activities are highly inter- and cross-disciplinary and address a broad range of materials classes and cutting-edge characterisation facilities. The aim of the course was to nucleate a sustainable network for exchange of human resources and competencies between the individual locations.

PHD course 2020
Ethics of Science and Technology
The IDEA League introduces a brand new PHD course on ‘Ethics of Science and Technology’, which will be taking place in 2020. Scientific knowledge and technology does not only shape the way we live and act in the world, but also depends on specific visions about what the world should look like and how humans should relate to one another. As a PhD candidate this specific PHD course will help you to become more critically aware of ethical aspects of science and technology in your specific field of research. Decisions to tackle a scientific problem or to develop, design, manage, control, produce, and finally deploy a technology incorporate profound ethical assumptions and possess deep ethical implications.

PHD course 2017-2018
Engineering Complex Systems and IT with Big data and Information Technology
The ECS-BIT’18 Idea League PHD course Interested in focused on the role of big data analysis and emergent IT technologies in complex systems engineering in large-scale, interconnected, highly complex and dynamic socio-technical systems? The ECS-BIT’18 Idea League PHD course, with sessions in Delft, Aachen, Milan, and Göteborg, will offer offered the students a broad perspective on how these topics are studied in different disciplines.
The aim of the PHD course on Engineering Complex Systems with Big data and Information Technology (ECS-BIT’18) is was to deepen the understanding of Engineering Complex Systems as a discipline combining interdisciplinary knowledge to address the great challenges posed by large-scale, interconnected, and therefore highly complex and dynamic, socio-technical systems, investigating the role of big data analysis and emergent IT technologies in complex systems engineering.